On making Freedom, Books, Flowers and the Moon
A lofty title, but since this is the name of the Times Literary Supplement's podcast series, I think it's perfectly suited to the show!
Listen to the latest episode: 'Embarrassing Questions'
We began producing this show back in April, when the podcast was undergoing a revamp. I've been working with the News studios to improve the sound quality of guests over the line, and asking the team (presenters Stig Abell and Thea Lenarduzzi) to consider reordering of subjects after they've been recorded.
This last thought came about after realising that often the best speakers were not the ones we expected before we'd hit record, and the luxury of podcasting allows us to rejig the order as we see fit. Take that, Front Row!
This show has opened the doors for rethink to work with News UK on a few different audio projects, including the recent new podcast series of Danny In The Valley. I'll blog about that another time, but here's the first episode, of which we're all really proud.
Listen to episode one of Danny in the Valley: 'Let's Be Friends With The Robots'