What Kit Do We Use?

If you’re looking to start a podcast, and like what we do with sound, here’s the equipment you’ll need.

Remote Recordings


We at Rethink Audio are big fans of this remote recording platform. It’s better quality than Zoom, and with an easy interface for guests to use to connect. High quality audio and video… what’s not to like?

If you do sign up to Riverside.fm, use the discount code mediapod to get $15 off any subscription, and help support our long-running show The Media Podcast in the process.

Marantz Pod Pack 1

Really simple to install USB mic that comes with a desk-mounted stand (be careful not to bang the table!).


This editing software plays really well with Riverside, and allows you to edit audio using an automatically generated transcript. Even better, you can throw the raw video into your edits to create a video clips or even a YouTube version of your show. It’s the future!

Sign up to Descript here - using this link tells Descript that you heard about them from us.

A typical edit from our daily show, The Retrospectors.

In Person Recordings



The mic of choice at Rethink Audio is the Beyerdynamic M58. As the quintessential reporter’s mic, it’s pretty difficult to use badly. Just keep it nice a close to the speaking hole (‘mouth’).

You’ll also need a 1.5m XLR cable for each mic.



There’s a few out there now, and for many years the king was the Marantz PMD661 range. It has two mic inputs which covers most interview shows, and a ‘stereo in’ so you can plug it into a mixer (for additional mics).

These days Matt uses a Sound Devices Mix-pre3, partly because it has an extra input but mostly because Transom said it was good. Transom are great for product reviews btw.


Other bits to consider: